Membership is open to any woman officially connected by work or relationship to the United Nations. This includes the UN, its Specialized Agencies, and Permanent Missions to the United Nations.
Non UN-affiliated women interested in supporting the work of the Guild are invited to contact our office.
The United Nations Women's Guild has tax exempt status in the State of New York and all donations to the Guild are tax deductible.

The Guild knows the contribution it makes is very modest, not even a drop in the ocean that is needed to alleviate the misery of millions of children. But a poet spoke for us:
"Jostling with the crowd in a country fair he saw a child with empty hands and empty pocket near a shop full of toys and tinsels. The sadness in his eyes had shadowed all the glitter at the fair. Suddenly from a corner, a little girl blew on her penny whistle - its note rose to the sky clear and joyful filling the air with bliss of happiness." (Tagore)
We in the Guild like to believe that our efforts will buy some penny whistles for the children -- that will be our reward.
Thank you for your interest in supporting children in vulnerable situations around the world.
To make a donation to the UN Women's Guild, you can send a check to the following address:
U – 0408, 405 E. 42nd St. United Nations, New York, NY 10017
The UNWG Gift Shop is the primary source of funds for the Guild. It is located in the Visitor's Centre of the UN General Assembly Building and is open seven days a week from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm.
Items for sale include:
Embroidered and Printed T-Shirts (children's, youth, and adult sizes), Golf Shirts, Baseball Caps, Calendar towels, Sweatshirts, Tote Bags, Posters.
Please stop by the UNWG Gift Shop whenever you are in New York City and help support one of the children's projects funded by the Women's Guild.