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In the quaint rural town of Betong, nestled in southern Thailand, lies Banramong School, a cherished institution founded in 1934. With a vibrant community of 357 students aged 5 to 15, this school thrives on the dedication of volunteers and teachers committed to providing these young minds with credible education.


Thanks to the generous support of the United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG), the school has seen remarkable improvements. Our contributions are transforming the educational experience for these children by offering scholarship funds, installing classrooms with ceiling fans, providing TVs for enhanced teaching, and outdoor learning resources.


Play is crucial for children’s development and energy release, and the new sports equipment has brought immense joy to the students. Our funds have also helped provide nutritious meals that ensure the students are energized and healthy, creating an environment conducive to learning—cool, comfortable, and invigorating.

Our vision is to continue supporting these children, integrating them into the global community, and paving the way for a successful future. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the UNWG members for their ongoing, generous support, which is making a profound impact on these children's lives and their futures.

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